Sunday, December 21, 2008

bethel maine 122' snow woman

this is taking foolheartiness to a new level...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Finally Nextflixing for Mac

Being a long time part of Apple-dom, I must accept that the majority out there will not understand why they are missing out. The irony is, I enjoy the inadvertent underdog aspect and relish in the undescoverd superiority of the Best Platform that is Mac. But being at the top has its drawbacks. The software, tech and product worlds produce things for PC and rightfully so, due to marketshare and profitability. So it's not uncommon to have to wait for, or never to see, features and products that the PC world enjoys. One example it the "watch inswtantly" option on Netflix. With I'm veyr happy to report is now available on Mac.

I had to wait, but Mac is accknolwedged! I think I'm finally happy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Hope & Hopeless

Shepard Fairey, is well known for the Obey Giant Propaganda phenomonon that he began with a casual sticker out of RISD many years ago. This year he's become something of a cult hero with his poster promoting Obama/Hope. The image has been seen litereally everywhere and seems to have become iconic image of Obama's campaign and victory.

It's nothing short of amazing to see the hillarious riffs on the theme of a single poster.

And now, he's excited to do the cover of Mad Magazine.