Saturday, June 30, 2007

The New American Road Trip

The New American Road Trip
At some point after puberty and before mortgage payments, that summer ritual our parents used to make us do became something we couldn't do without. And the rules have changed. Cars are faster, highways are better, and there's cool stuff—really cool stuff that doesn't involve buffets or Dollywood—just about everywhere. Stop sitting on those vacation days and get out there. Our five two-week loops will get you rolling.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Gratitude and NYC's new loose glitter ordinance

I was searching through my emails and ran across something written by a good friend i met at burning man and has since moved to New York city. She's writting a letter to her friends back in california about her experience at burningman. Her thoughts capture the post-burn feeling so well, I wanted you to read this.


Hello Lovelies...

So today, as I stood out on my third floor fire escape, aggressively shaking playa dust and glitter off of my lion costume, I had a number of interesting thoughts that I would like to share with you all.

As I watched thin clouds of dust and glitter float down to the lower rooftops, I could envision those tiny specks of glitter landing somewhere – anywhere for that matter. One might have landed on the heads of the couple on their porch below, sharing the afternoon sunshine. Other specks landed on the hot cement, and still others in the eaves of everything – waiting to be discovered and carried onto a new adventure.

Once again I have returned from the playa re-inspired by the magic of life, and filled to the brim with love and gratitude for the amazing people in my life. Each and every one of you reading this email is a vital part of me.

Yesterday I went for a long run along the Hudson River, and I was singing out loud to my music and smiling at all these beautiful strangers. I felt like I knew this great and powerful secret about HOW SIMPLE life is, and how simple it is to be happy – if we just choose that experience.

Thank you all for being a part of me discovering that I have the power to choose what I create in my life. You are my canvas, my paint, and my murky rinse water. We all create, co-create, and burn a lot of important shit together, and I feel so blessed to be part of your web.

As I was running I was thinking about gifting, and realized that the best give I have ever received is love, and that is something I will never lose and nobody can take away from me. Thank you all for being so generous with yourselves and your love.

You are each a speck of glitter, an inspiration, a trial, a celebration. Together we are a symphony of hope, imagination, power and love. Thank you for all the love, the thoughts, the support, the challenges, and most of all for the possibility you help create every moment by being yourself and the best self that you strive to be. Here's to the magic, the possibility, and letting our individual and collective lights shine and shine. With the kind of magic we create, anything is possible.

Here is the fortune I got at the Critical Tits party in my fortune cookie:

"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly."